Install and authenticate with Beneath from your local machine to use the CLI (command-line interface) or to use Beneath in Python.
Run the following command at the terminal to install Beneath. You must have Python 3.7 or greater installed.
pip3 install --upgrade beneath
Run the following command to authenticate your local environment. If you do not have a Beneath account, it will automatically guide you to create one:
beneath auth
Now, when you use Beneath on your local machine (such as the CLI or in Python), it will automatically authenticate your requests. To access Beneath outside of your local environment (e.g. when deploying code to production), see Access management for details.
To get an overview of the CLI, run:
beneath --help
To learn more about a specific command, run:
beneath SUBCOMMAND --help
We recommend you check out the next quick start to get started with the Beneath client for Python, but if you want the full details about available classes and functions, you can also check out the Python client API reference.